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The Official Web Site of the State of South Carolina

The Center for Educational Partnerships

The Center for Educational Partnerships' (CEP) mission is to provide educational extension services to schools, families and communities in South Carolina that facilitate collaboration among diverse education stakeholders, leverage existing resources and build local capacity to improve student achievement in South Carolina’s K-12 schools.
CEP graphic
professional development photoProfessional Development

CEP provides provide educators, school districts, SCDE, post-secondary institutions, students, parents and community members throughout South Carolina with access to high quality professional development and training, expertise, materials and technical assistance.


research and policy photoResearch & Policy

CEP serves as a research and policy hub for South Carolina, making information about the best and most current educational research and evidence-based practices more widely available and easily accessible to schools and other practitioners, parents, communities, and policy makers through its website and events held throughout the year.


engagement photoEngagement

CEP engagement activities build the capacity of schools, families and communities to work effectively as partners in fulfilling their shared responsibility to ensure that every child in South Carolina has access to a quality 21st century education. We also facilitate the creation of new and collaborative projects and partnerships that bring needed community resources to schools and students.



Center for Educational Partnerships
University of South Carolina, College of Education
Wardlaw Building Rm. 201
820 Main St.
Columbia, SC 29208

Tel: 803-777-6417
Fax: 803-777-0905