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The Official Web Site of the State of South Carolina

Writing Improvement Network


What We Do

The Writing Improvement Network (WIN) serves as a professional development resource for South Carolina (SC) Pre K-12 teachers. WIN uses teacher experts to provide training in the implementation of research-based best practices in teaching students to become better readers and writers and provides guidance in choosing professional development and classroom resources.

Our services include:

  • Working side-by-side with teachers to improve instructional strategies and materials for all aspects of literacy:  reading, writing, vocabulary, research and technology.
  • Working directly with students (as teachers observe) to demonstrate effective instructional strategies for all aspects of literacy across the curriculum (e.g. ELA, science, social studies).
  • Assisting teachers with development of instructional materials and classroom assessments that align to the correct grade-level and appropriate cognitive rigor of academic standards.
  • Demonstrating for teachers how to analyze available test information to improve instruction.
  • Reviewing district ELA curriculum for alignment and rigor and recommending revisions.
  • Assisting teachers in transitioning instruction and assessments.
  • Providing off-site workshops – often by grade band (PreK -5, 6-12) – for teachers and administrators across the state to learn specific instructional strategies and share their own professional experiences with others.

Center for Educational Partnerships
University of South Carolina, College of Education
Wardlaw Building Rm. 201
820 Main St.
Columbia, SC 29208

Tel: 803-777-6417
Fax: 803-777-0905